Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 7: Books

There are so many books in the world. And for that I am thankful. I love to read and be transported to another world crafted from someone’s imagination. There are many books that have struck a chord with me, met me where I was in life, made me miss someone, or opened my eyes to something new. 

“You’ll never know how many times I’ve thought about you and wished I could speak to you. I just never dreamed in a million years that I would never see you again.”

That’s a quote from Fried Green Tomatoes that I had written down in a notebook. Losing someone is never easy and it's hard to put into words. Sometimes it's just an ache that you feel at random times. It may be strange to say but books sometimes help me cope. They make me think and teach me how to find perspective. The books I love most are the ones that use the words to paint a picture of emotion or a scene from life. It’s highly unlikely that I’ll ever go to a ball at Netherfield but Jane Austen has given me that experience with her wit and words. I’ll never find a wardrobe that transports me to Narnia but I can relate to Lucy. Even something as simple as the Berenstain Bears can take me back to childhood and summer evenings spent chasing lightening bugs and eating watermelon by the pool. I love a good story...

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