Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 5: Sweet Messages

Who doesn’t love a sweet message? I can still remember my note passing days in Jr. high School. Slipping messages in lockers, sneaking them behind a teacher’s back, or the bold move of giving it to a friend to give to another friend. Regardless of the recipient, the note must be folded in an amazing way that leaves them wondering how you achieved something of that magnitude. I don’t recall many of the messages providing me with life altering news, although at 14 everything does seem a bit heightened. No, for me, they were random, sometimes quirky conversations between my friends and I; detailing the news of 3rd period, the newest crush, or overheard news of so and so liking so and so. Today, we’ve moved from paper and pens in every color to text messages, blurbs on a Facebook wall, or perhaps even a subtle picture on Instagram. It doesn’t feel the same but I think the intention has stayed the same. Maybe you don’t have the time to talk on the phone or even the know how to fold an ultra-cool note; maybe they are 2300 miles away. And maybe you just wanted to say hello.

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