In January of 2013 my grandfather passed away three days before my birthday, it had been expected but no less heartbreaking. I flew from Seattle to Alabama to be with family. I always knew that I had thoughtful friends but when they picked me up from the airport a few days later and very late at night I was overwhelmed by their kindness. Dressed in birthday hats and armed with giant pictures of me as a kid they greeted me at baggage claim. And then we had cake. In the simple, yet profound act of showing up they helped my hurting heart. In a moment when I wanted to cry they helped me to smile. And I've never forgotten it.
This book brought about so many tears and just as many smiles. When you see such an honest, heartfelt example of community and friendship you can't help but be encouraged. Just Show Up is like reading the open hearts of Kara and Jill. They are so transparent with their lives and it's awe-inspiring to read about. Their hears for Jesus are awe-inspiring. this is a book to share with friends and family because it is such an honest picture of wholly relying on Jesus during the hard.
It's a practical book that can add much to any friendship or within any community. The questions at the end of Kara's part are such good internal conversation starters and I feel like they add so much to this book. They really get you thinking and practicing what is being written.
Just Show Up (David C Cook, October 2015) Kara Tippetts's story was not a story of disease, although she lost her battle with terminal cancer. It was not a story of saying goodbye, although she was intentional in her time with her husband and four children. Kara's story was one of seeing God in the hard and in the good. It was one of finding grace in the everyday. And it was one of knowing "God with us" through fierce and beautiful friendship. In Just Show Up, Kara and her close friend, Jill Lynn Buteyn, write about what friendship looks like in the midst of changing life seasons, loads of laundry, and even cancer. Whether you are eager to be present to someone going through a difficult time or simply want inspiration for pursuing friends in a new way, this eloquent and practical book explores the gift of silence, the art of receiving, and what it means to just show up. |
I received a copy of the book for review purposes only. I was not compensated in any other way for this review. The opinions expressed here are my own.